Botanical watercolors

Botanical watercolors

My art journey started with watercolours. I still remember painting clothing and accessories with watercolours. Shout out to the Top Model girlies out there! 

I have since upgraded my paper quality and paint but I still love to embrace a playfulness when painting. This is important when painting botanicals with watercolour. The truth is that watercolour (and art and life in general) does not always go as you predict. The paint will bleed, or come out spotty. That is the inherent nature of watercolour. And life. 

The fantastic thing about botanicals is that it's organic! Plants have 'imperfections'. A funky leaf or a funny colour. Painting plants is very forgiving. And rather meditative. 

You just need a real plant, a ballpoint pen en some watercolours to start. 

If you are in the Somerset West area on the 13th of July, I am teaching a workshop on my painting process. All supplies are included! You can call the Crafters Inn on 021 851 5299 or email to book at 

But I encourage you to pick up a pen and a plant. Maybe some paint. I find it to be a tranquil experience! 


Ans x


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